Thursday, April 26, 2007

BDS day 9, more fooding

Day 9 is easy. I had already figured out my exercise goals within the past week as part of an increased overall focus on my health. Pilates three times a week and an intense cardio workout at least three times a week (intense qualifies as a spinning class or another really challenging cardio class and not just doing an elliptical for a half hour). Otherwise, I just want to be more active. I need to walk and bike everywhere on the weekends. Last weekend I walked over the Williamsburg bridge three times and it felt really good. It also doesn't take all that long to walk from my house into the Lower East Side. The weather is warming up and I don't have any more excuses to be lazy indoors on the weekends. I just need to also figure out a way to stay active on rainy days and once the weather gets bad again.

I'm getting to enjoy being hungry, as long as I can distract myself so I don't dwell on it. I'm really focusing on the difference for cravings out of boredom and true hunger, and my food tastes so much better when I'm truly hungry for it. I was a little hungry the hour before going to the gym during lunch hour at work but I didn't eat anything right beforehand. I went to a really good cardio kickbox class and came back to what tasted like the best whole wheat pasta with broccoli, chickpeas, lemon, tahini and pepper. It was worth waiting for.

Food log:

Yesterday lunch: boring napa cabbage salad but a really good crunchy pb and apricot j sprouted grain roll up.

Yesterday snack: chickpea salad that was so good the first day and is getting boring by now.

Yesterday dinner: spinach quesadilla. It was pretty good, nothing great, but satisfying. I added lots of pickled jalapeƱos and that added a nice kick.

Breakfast: tempeh sandwich, almost perfected, except the pita got soggy in the hours between making and eating. It had the usual suspects: avocado, racaito, tomato, cucumber, a little lettuce and jalapeƱos.

Snack: a little handful of wasabi peas to clear up my sinuses.

Lunch: whole wheat fusilli with broccoli, chickpeas, tahini, lemon and lots of pepper. This was really satisfying. The flavors went together perfectly. Then I had about a quarter cup of trail mix for something sweeter as a dessert.

Snack: crunchy peanut butter, apricot spread and a little agave nectar wrapped up in a sprouted grain tortilla. Those tortillas are fairly small, so it makes a little pb & j pod and a good size for a snack.

What I have waiting: a mango soy yogurt smoothie bottle and some sauteed lemon chili baby bok choy. If I can manage it, which I think I can, these might be my dinner even though I brought them to work to eat here.

I'm going out to a non-vegan cafe/restaurant tonight to meet a friend. They have a few vegan options, but not many and most involve modifications of the menu item. I'm hoping I have the will power to just order tea since I know they have a great and extensive tea menu.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, this is Judith Beck. Your cousin! You are doing so great using the Beck Diet Solution! It's so much fun for me to read your blog. I had read the first day or two last week but caught up with the rest today. I haven't worked with a vegan dieter before so I'm really interested to follow what you're doing. Is it hard to get enough protein and fat at every meal? I love that you put post-its in your kitchen. Are they still up? Do you still read them? Look forward to future postings. And hope we get a chance to get together before too long.